Our PE Schemes of Work




Our PE Lesson Plans

Our Schemes of Work also work in conjunction with our Lesson Plans and incorporate our Assessment, Testing and Evaluation tools. These tools enable you to monitor, track and report on students’ progression throughout the key stages and offer you the support you need to help you deliver high-quality PE in your setting. Each of our Schemes of Work includes numerous objectives and outcomes per progression, phase and scheme for help with short, medium and long-term planning for each key stage. Our schemes also include comprehensive activities and resources to highlight the progressions and tasks alongside the objectives.




Included in these resources are comprehensive detailed objectives, activities, descriptions and teaching points for each sporting activity. All lessons include extensive drills, practices and progressions that are differentiated to aid and assist all abilities and all years (inc. SEN, G&T, disengaged pupils). Each PE lesson is based on 1-hour delivery and includes ICT, numeracy and literacy alongside other cross-curricular aspects, with an average of 8 lessons per year (24 lesson plans for key stage 3).



Lesson Builder

You can also use our lesson and scheme of work builder where you have access to over 20,000 drills to bespoke your own plans specific for classes, individuals, facilities or abilities. This builder comes as part of your subscription.

Our assessment and analysis resources allow students the opportunity to peer assess a range of sporting skills in all of our sports. This allows students to share their strengths and weaknesses and identify independently where to improve. We have mastery statements for each sport and strand from the national curriculum, individual teaching point task cards for each sport and evaluation task cards for students to compare their skills against each teaching point.

Baseline Assessment

The PE Office Baseline Tests

  • Help you test, monitor, record and assess your students’ ability and starting points
  • Primarily used to set groups, study progress and identify the student's development across the key stages
  • Differentiated tests that assess your pupil’s performances
  • Enables students to be grouped into PE-specific levels

Practical Planning

Included in these resources are comprehensive detailed objectives, activities, descriptions and teaching points for each sporting activity. All lessons include extensive drills, practices and progressions that are differentiated to aid and assist all abilities and all years (inc. SEN, G&T, disengaged pupils). Each lesson is based on 1-hour delivery and includes ICT, numeracy and literacy alongside other cross-curricular aspects, with an average of 8 lessons per year (24 lesson plans for key stage 3).