PE Office is proud to release the very first PE Virtual Learning Environment that enables you, your staff and your students a central physical education learning platform that addresses the government’s rules and guidelines for Sports Premium Funding. The PE Office has teamed up with Blue Box IT to supply, install, equip and support your school with a state of the art CleverTouch touch screen monitors. Built into this screen are thousands of interactive drills, skills, lesson plans, schemes of work and differentiated tasks that incorporate resilience, competition, healthy and active lifestyles and promote participation with just a touch of the screen. Every resource is editable and can be tailored to help upskill/ re-train staff, most important challenges and delivery effective high-quality physical education sessions. Every pupil has the ability to approach the screen to view animations, recorded videos of elite performers conducting each skill showing the perfect model and the written description and objectives for all activities. Pupils can work through each lesson plan and drill in their own time and at their own pace and ability so that any member of staff regardless of PE teaching experience can supervise and overseas every session. The PE Office address all principles at all levels of the sports premium funding guidelines within a simple yearly subscription.  Here is how it looks and works:

To deliver high-quality PE drills, lessons, sessions, games and long-term schemes we have created a platform for the Primary PE Teacher.  We have extensive lesson plans, drills available for you to address the government's requirements regarding the Sports Premium for your PE delivery.

How to use the PE and sports premium (From

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sports within Primary Schools.

This means that you should use the premium to:

  • develop or add to the PE and sports activities that your school already offers
  • build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in a future year

How we provide a solution to Sports Premium using our platform:

PE Office provides a range of sports interactively where we have elite sporting performers performing the drills and practices and demonstrating the skills in:

Analysis Of Performance 


Attacking Skills To Outwit 

Attacking Strategies To Outwit



Batting To Outwit 

Bowling And Receiving To Outwit

Core Skills


Defending Strategies 

Defensive Skills 


Fielding Skills To Outwit





Jumping Skills 

Moving With Ball To Outwit



Passing And Receiving

Restarting A Game 



Rugby League

Rugby Union





Tag Rugby



Throwing And Catching

These topics include comprehensive lesson plans, schemes, games and drills that currently sit within the platform alongside comprehensive planning that can be moderated by the user/staff member or even the pupil who uses the interactive touchscreens on which the platform is sat on

Five key Indicators:

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

The five indicators that schools should expect to see improvement 

Our response to how PE Office can improve your PE Delivery 

The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school

Our Platform has the facility that all students can follow a virtual teacher teaching a lesson, drill, activity or game in their own time.  

Your teachers can simply follow the 600+ plans, 10,000+ drills and numerous animated drills to help assist in teaching and learning and create high-quality PE. 

The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement

The platform and lesson plans challenge all your learners.

The learners can walk up and touch the screens and differentiate the drills and skills so that they are improving all the time.

Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

The Sports Premium Platform from the PE Office allows any teacher, student and non-specialists access to the lessons, skills, drills and CPD.  

Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

The package enables the perfect 'elite performer' who is the virtual teacher who virtually shows a range of sporting drills, activities, and exercises. The students and non-specialist teachers can follow the diagrams and animations and challenge themselves with the differentiated tasks. 

Increased participation in competitive sport

We have created a free School Sports Network area within the Platform so that you can create fixtures, leagues and competitions to increase participation and enhance competition against external schools both locally and nationally.

Every aspect, plan and drill can be manipulated so that the drills, skills and practices can be seen virtually with or without differentiation and worded planning. It has been made easy and simple to use so that a non-specialist and student can walk up to the technology and follow the virtual lesson plans via the instructions and animated drills


For example, you can use your funding to:

How you can use your funding

How we help address this

Provide staff with professional development, mentoring, training and resources to help them teach PE and sports more effectively

We have user-friendly resources and descriptions that can be edited and tailored to the pupils' needs. Also, the pupils can literally walk up to the screen and follow the lesson.

We also offer live support with a qualified and experienced PE Teacher 

Hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers to enhance or extend current opportunities

Why when we have brought everything in house for you to develop teaching in PE and deliver with the use of the virtual teacher and perfect model.

Introduce new sports, dance or other activities to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activities

We have a range of sports (above) which can be used. We are adding more video clips and skills as we speak.

We have added a build your own section so that you can make multiple sporting hybrid activities or combine skills with animated drills and games.

Support and involve the least active children by providing targeted activities, and running or extending school sports and holiday clubs

Every drill is differentiated. 

Every lesson can be created for every individual.

We recommend and have created the screens so that pupils can approach the screens on numerous occasions and revisit any drill, animation or video of the perfect model.

Enter or run more sports competitions

We are proud to state that we have a free school sports network to enable your pupils to compete and participate in fixtures, leagues and competition.

You can also create mini-leagues or tournaments regarding the ability for any sporting activity. 

Yes, it is free.  Please sign up here

Partner with other schools to run sports activities and clubs

Increase pupils’ participation in the School Games

Encourage pupils to take on leadership or volunteer roles that support sport and physical activity within the school

We have incorporated leadership, coaching and officiating roles and tasks within each drill, activity, lesson and scheme of work.

Provide additional swimming provisions targeted at pupils not able to meet the swimming requirements of the national curriculum

We have swimming lesson plans, skills, drills and schemes of work - But unfortunately, we cannot bring the swimming pool to you!

Embed physical activity into the school day through active travel to and from school, active playgrounds and active teaching

The touch screens can be wheeled out on their trolleys so that any pupil or group of learners in playtime or PE lessons can follow an action plan, scheme, drill or game to create active playgrounds.

The platform enables teachers to use the resources interactively so that the pupils view the perfect model and can go away and instantly perform. From this, we have incorporated some analysis software (included in the platform) with assessment tools so that any pupil can compare their performances to that of the perfect model.

Our sports premium package enables every teacher and student access to the resources whilst being able to customise them on a big interactive touch screen to aid teaching and learning but most importantly a personalised learning environment. 

The Interactive Lesson Plans and Skills that you can manipulate with your fingers

As you can see is an interactive plan where you simply click on the sections and

  • the drills become active,
  • the performer shows you the perfect model,
  • the tasks are differentiated upon levels
  • the differentiated levels show video performance and animated skills to challenge the high achievers
  • tactics are discussed
  • resilience is given (for support)
  • creativity is highlighted for individuals to practice 

Sports Premium allocation

You can use your Sports Premium allocation to purchase the PE Office's Ultimate Sports Premium Platform so that you can access any of our plans and resources you subscribe to using any:

  • interactive touchscreen (with or without trolley),
  • interactive wall mounted tv screens
  • laptop
  • computer
  • tablet
  • mobile phone

The Athletes

We wanted to provide the perfect model for those using our resources. We wanted all of the athletes doing our practices, skills and drills to be elite performers so the next generation can learn from those that have achieved.  We are proud to associate ourselves with the Athletes who all have a unique stories and backgrounds... but most importantly want to raise awareness. We can do this together by using the PE Office Sport Premium.

This is Justine Lucas

Justine is an English Rugby Union player.

She represents England and made her debut in 2013.

She was named in the 2017 Women's Rugby World Cup squad for England.

Justine began her rugby career at the age of 20 in her final year at Loughborough University where she attained a degree in Sports Science and Maths.


This is Katy Daley-McLean MBE 

Katy (born 19 December 1985) is an English female rugby player, who was captain of England Women and captained them to victory against Canada in the 2014 France Rugby World Cup. 

She plays as a fly-half and plays club rugby for Loughborough Lightning. 

She received an MBE in the 2014 New Year Honours. Katy graduated from the University of Sunderland with a BSc in Sports Studies in 2007. She works professionally as a schoolteacher. 

Katy was named to the squad for the 2017 Women's Rugby World Cup in Ireland

The Interactive drills


Our animated drills in the relevant skills areas enable the learners to select appropriate drills if the drills and task are too hard or too easy.Relevant Skills

The partnership with Blue Box IT with ClevertouchTechnology

The PE Office Ltd was approached by Blue Box IT to work in conjunction using Clevertouch Technology so that we had an ultimate PE resource for Primary and Secondary PE sessions that used the perfect model (elite athletes) to deliver virtual teaching, skills, drills and planning within an innovative PE Virtual Learning Environment.